the years I have had a number of managers appear at my desk to tell me that an
employee is ‘useless’ and we need to move them on. Ok, I say, let’s have a look at their last
performance review, and see what you told them, and what targets you set. Would
you believe it, you said they were great! An asset to the company! So what has
gone wrong in the few months since you wrote that dear Manager? Nothing? They
are the same as they were, but you were just filling the performance review form
in to be kind.
so I’ve merged many stories into one there, but they are all more or less the
same. The poor employee thinks they are
doing a great job, because that’s what they have been told. The rest of the team are fed up because so
and so is not doing their job and the manager is doing nothing about it. It all
makes a toxic situation that demoralises staff, and affects productivity.
good manager is honest – they set clear achievable targets. If the employee
then doesn’t achieve the targets, they look at why. Is there a training need? Is there a lack of understanding? There then
needs to be revised targets. If these aren’t achieved then the employee needs
to be clear that failure to meet the required standard could mean they lose
their job.
I’m old fashioned, but it’s quite clear to me, an employee is paid to do a job,
if they are not able to do that job even after additional support and training,
then it’s time to move on. It’s not fair on any employee to be left in a role
where they are constantly told they are not achieving – how demoralising! Nor
is it fair on a company.
clear performance Management policy will help support you, and then effective
fair implementation is needed. All managers need to understand the policy, and
understand how to have honest conversations with their staff.
you would like to discuss your performance management policy, or a performance
issue, please get in touch!